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The Need for Speed

Click on the lesson number below to view the respective lesson in this five part series by Judy Letostak.

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 (Judy Letostak)

Metal Edge BBS (619)423-4970

1:202/1109 (FidoNet)

This is the second installment of the Speed lessons.

this is again, just warmup ideas and patterns.







this is a good pseudo arpeggio warmup.

All the way up the fretboard then back down, don't forget

your metronome

Don't allow the past notes that you've played to continue

ringing.  Slightly lift up you're finger that played the

last note to "deaden" the note so the notes sound individually

not as a chord (and an ugly chord at that!)









































Once you've mastered that, try mixing those patterns up.

like this.







The possibilities are endless, you could warmup with these

for the rest of your life and still be challenged.

You could also mix the first one with the other patterns

like this:







that will help you with sweep picking and mixing it with

single note runs.

You can also mix up these:







Now that's an interesting pattern, keeps you on your

toes! Practice that like one e and a (one two three four)

The rest of this lesson will just be a suggestion of guitarists and

other musicians to listen to if you want to learn to shred.

Yngwie Malmsteen:  He is the king of shredders.  Very contreversial,

lots of people hate him.  I think he's great, a great place to start

is his "Rising Force" album.  He's fantastic live, I've seen three

of his shows so far, he's better live than on CD.

Vinnie Moore - He did that old Pepsi commercial where the guy is playing

the guitar and explodes the bottle with his playing.  Vinnie isn't the

guy on the commercial, but he did the tracks.  I can't remember the guy

in the commercial, he's not actually playing the lead tho.

Greg Howe - Fusion rock, very good, has several instrumental albums

and one with his brother on vocals (Howe II).  He is phenominal.

Tony MacAlpine - great shredder, very tasteful

Racer X - Paul Gilbert is a scary guitarist, his REH video is trans-

cribed in OLGA in the lessons.

Michael Lee Firkins - Very unorthidox way of playing, he emulates a 

slide using his fingers and the whammy bar, lots of talent that one


Stevie Ray Vaughan - Blues player, I'm sure you know that, he's fast,

and tasteful.

Judas Priest - Pick up Painkiller, those guys did some practicing!

they shred!  Can't wait to pick up their new album when it comes out.

TNT - Ronnie is a great guitarist, he plays some great rhythms, and

some great leads, he holds back a lot, but when he lets go...

Look out!

There's so many others, as I think of them I will include them in

the rest of the lessons.

Happy pickin'!

Shred's NOT Dead!

Metal Edge BBS (619)423-4970  (San Diego, CA  USA)

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h = hammeron                          ps = pick scrape

p = pulloff                           % = repeat phrase

~ = vibrato                 

b = bend                              + natural harmonic

/\ = Slide

* = Artificial Harmonic

x = ghost note

tr = trill


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