The Need for Speed

Click on the lesson number below to view the respective lesson in this five part series by Judy Letostak.

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

The Need for Speed Pt.5 (Judy Letostak)
Metal Edge (619)423-4970 24/7 Guitar/Bass tab, MP3s, Appz

For this and 15,000+ guitar/bass tab, lessons and MP3s call Metal Edge
You can post this on your web, ftp, bbs whatever, without permission.
leave the email and name in pls.

If you would like the first 4 lessons and can't get them off of my
web page (which seems to be the case for some reason) I'll email
them to ya.  Just ask.

This lesson, we'll go over scale connecting and pivot licks
I'm assuming that you have a basic knowledge of scales in
the 5 box positions.  Here, all we're going to do it to
connect those 5 box positions so you can switch scale positions
without having to stop.

Taking just the top 2 strings (E B) in the key of E Minor.



B & G strings Only



D & G



D & A


A & E


Practice each group of two strings until you have the feel
for the switching.  Make sure to practice them in all keys
and modes.  Practice with a metronome, clean sound yada yada

Experiment with using hammerons and pulloffs as well as slides
and tapping (if ur into Eddie VH => )  The more u mix it up,
the more fluid it will sound.  


Little Example on incorporating slurs into your playing.

You know the little war with Al DiMeola and Alan Holdsworth:
Al says Alan is lazy (he uses a lot of slurs in his playing)
and Alan says Al is boring (Al uses alternate picking mostly).
     You can't please everyone!

If you don't know who they are (you're in trouble) pick up an
album or two from the band UK (Alan's old band) or and Al DiMeola
album, you won't be sorry.  Speaking of killer fusion guitarists,
check out the Mahivishnu Orchestra with John McLaughlan, awesome stuff!
Or any of his solo stuff...

If you've been keeping up with these lessons (and haven't fallen
asleep yet), refer back to the last one #4 on arpeggios...

little arp example


A Min Arp   Sliding A Min          Am Arp    A Pent


Here's another little Yngwie example (No! Not him again!!!)
for slurs.  Lotsa luck w/this one ppl!




That'll make ya break out in a cold sweat!  newayz...

Experiment with yer scales, get outta those box positions!!!
They get boring...The more u do it, the easier it gets...
Don't forget the vibrato~~~~!!!!!!


A pivot lick  is like this: (or called Pedal Notes)

A Minor

Always coming back to the one note (or series of notes) like


These sound really cool, and make for good excercises.
You can play them in any combination:
Ascending or descending.


B Minor




A Minor



Here's a really cool Yngwie pivot lick
A Minor




You can base the pivot licks on any scale, any key, use
your imagination....

-=Begin Bitch=-
I just have to bitch for a minute.  I've gotten on quite a few
web pages to try and find lessons for my BBS.  I'm amazed at the
amount of ppl that want you to PAY for these things. It's ludicrous.
Actually, no lesson is worth money unless you're in a room with a
teacher getting personal lessons.  What's next?  Guitar Tab, only
a buck a song...Sheez!!  I can understand the books and such, ya gotta
make a livin, but on the web?  It's cheesy to begin with, but to pay
for the stuff?  
-=End Bitch=-

Anyone know what's up with the emi lawsuit?  Email me if ya know...
For the last 4 years I've been archiving as many guitar, bass tabs,
lessons etc., as I can get onto my BBS.  If ya live in San Diego, CA
call it (number is at the top).  If ya wanna call LD go fer it, email
me and I'll set ya up with an account ahead of time.  I also have Metal
MP3s and some appz...

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